Mindfulness Classes

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in  seeking out new landscapes but in having  new eyes.” (Marcel Proust 1871 – 1922)

Mindfulness Classes in London

Welcome to Mindfulness Classes. We are based in London. We provide mindfulness classes to groups, one to one and in corporate settings in the workplace. One to one mindfulness sessions are personalised to the needs of the individual. These are available both in person and online via Skype.  You may choose this as your preferred way to learn mindfulness, if you want undivided attention, or for reasons of confidentiality.   Mindfulness in the workplace is available to groups or individuals anywhere in the UK, as well as in London. These sessions can be tailor-made to meet your company’s requirements.


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What is Mindfulness useful for?

Mindfulness meditation is a potent tool to combat stress, anxiety, panic attacks, emotional trauma, pain and depression in a frantic world. Mindfulness is a very effective way of achieving change. When we are truly present in the now, this is our reality, not stuck in past guilt or trauma or anxious about the future. Research studies show that practising mindfulness produces powerful benefits on a person’s health, well-being and happiness. Cultivating mindfulness is a journey, which develops and deepens over time. It is simple to learn and is a lifelong tool for overcoming life’s challenges. We learn to  remain emotionally balanced in troublesome times.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is being aware, or paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally. This means being aware of everything, including distractions and discomfort.  Mindful awareness without criticism, helps you observe the patterns of your mind. It makes you become aware what you are doing, without getting overly reactive, or overwhelmed by stressful triggers.

It enables you to become more compassionate to yourself and to others around you. Instead of letting stress and unhappiness spiral out of control, as you take it all personally, mindfulness teaches you how to catch these negative thought patterns before they take hold of you. You then have the ability to just see them as black clouds drifting past, with curiosity, rather than with the strong emotional charge you would normally associate with them. In essence, mindfulness allows you to take back control of your life. It encompasses accepting, turning towards and befriending both troublesome and other aspects of experience.

History of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is not a fad. Mindfulness draws on the 2,500 year legacy of mindfulness teaching within religious and philosophical traditions including Buddhism. In 1979  Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn and his colleagues at the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre, Stress Reduction clinic began developing a programme which  became known as Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR).
Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn had studied and practiced mindfulness meditation in the east with several Buddist teachers. His programme was a fusion of mindfulness meditation from the East, with proven western science. This integration of Eastern mindfulness with western science has gained popularity throughout the world and is evidence based.

Benefits of practicing Mindfulness

Dr Jon Kabat Zinn says, “ you have only moments to live”. When you think about it, he is right isn’t he? This moment and this one and this one. We can only really live within each moment. The rest is all remembering or imagining. Jon Kabat-Zinn informs us, that mindfulness can be used as a powerful tool to improve both our physical and psychological well-being and could as well enhance positive health and behavioural changes. Here is how being mindful could help improve your overall wellbeing:

Being mindful helps improve well being

By simply focusing on the present, mindfulness decreases the chance of getting caught up in worries about the future and past regrets. It helps us become less preoccupied and stressed. Stress is known to be capable of wreaking great havoc both on your psychological, emotional, as well as your physical health. Chronic levels of stress can damage your cells and shrink your brain. Therefore, mindfulness can drastically affect your overall wellbeing. Simply practicing mindfulness is a great tool for combating stress.

Being mindful helps improve physical health

Mindfulness does not only help you have great well-being, it has also been proven scientifically to help improve physical health in many ways. Not only is it capable helping to relieve stress, it helps combat heart disease, lower blood pressure, relieve chronic pain and help you get better sleep.

Other benefits of practicing mindfulness from scientific research include:

  • Relaxation
  • Improved relationships
  • Increased confidence and self esteem
  • Clarity and focus
  • Greater resilience
  • Stronger immune system
  • Improved concentration
  • Improved health and wellbeing
  • Enhanced creativity
  • Better rapport and communication
  • Better work/life balance
  • Memory enhancement
  • Pain reduction
  • Greater work satisfaction

There are too many benefits embedded in mindfulness to neglect. From helping you manage stress to helping you live healthy life and have a better mental performance. You just need to tap into that inner peace and contentment that is within each of us. Join a mindfulness course today and start getting more mindful in your thoughts.

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 020 7097 5146
075 069 16762


Carpenters Arms
12 Seymour Place,
London W1H 7NE